As the saying goes, if March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb. Well, if The Weather Channel is correct, we should have highs above 50 for the next 10 days! What has my life come to that I now think 54 is a warm day? Ahhhhh...I'm finally ready for winter to go hibernate and spring to rear it's pretty little head!
March 1st snow storm...aka the Lion.
Cute street near my apartment.
"The Boulevard"...Blackstone Boulevard
View of Downcity from the Jewelery District.
My "driveway." Needless to say my car wasn't having this. I learned to walk.
Nothing escaped the storm! The inside of my front door.
Once I opened the front door. Wow, wall-o-snow!
That's some crazy snow! Do you ever get used to it?